What is Building Envelope Testing?

Building Envelope Testing (BET) is a type of test that shows a structure's air leakage. The test is performed with blower door fan(s) and pressurises or de-pressurises a building, meaning that the building leaks more easily. For the test facility a leakage rate can be determined and the permeability of a structure can be found.

BET tests are done in accordance with AS/NZS 9972:2015.

Our Air Tightness Technician is currently at Level 1 Certification (#15984). This gives ability to test dwellings and non-dwellings up to 4000m3 gross envelope volume, tested as a single entity with a single blower door fan.

Our team is constantly upskilling and broadening - stay tuned.

Why Test Tightness?

Testing the tightness of a structure shows how permeable the building's envelope or 'skin' is to the surrounds. A highly permeable envelope (high leakage rate) means that unconditioned air is able to easily displace conditioned air or even exhaust conditioned air.

A leaking structure is inefficient and requires additional capacity in HVAC equipment selection, thus higher energy costs and more costly equipment.

Currently our team are able to test both commercial and residential spaces - up to 4000m3.